Judicial jurisdiction in electronic crimes according to the Saudi system


PhD researcher, King Abdulaziz University for Postgraduate Studies - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


 The study sheds light on the subject of jurisdiction in cybercrimes by reviewing the legal view of the system for combating cybercrimes in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the rank of penalties for those crimes.the same study also shows us the adequacy of this law to reduce these crimes in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. the importance of this study lies in the importance of its subject as it is exposed to the Saudi regulations in highlighting the legal aspects governing high-tech crimes with an indication of their characteristics and concepts. Among the recommendations, the researcher suggests to the Saudi regulator, which is at the beginning of the application of specialized judiciary in the kingdom, to initiate the establishment of specialized prosecution (investigation bodies), as well as the establishment of judicial departments specialized in the consideration of crimes and violations arising from contracts of cybercrimes in general, and to select members of the public prosecution and judges specialized in these departments, and the researcher suggests to the competent authorities in the kingdom the need to pay attention to the training of criminal officers and persons entrusted with the seizure process in crimes and violations related to cybercrime regulations.


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