Policy Design: George Floyd Justice in Policing Act 2020


Lecturer at King Saud University Social work specialization


The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020 (HR 7120) was introduced to curb police brutality. The bill was sponsored by Karen Bass, a Representative for California's 37th Congressional District. Bass's political affiliation is Democrat. The bill was introduced to the 116th Congress on Jun 8, 2020 (Congres.Gov, 2020). The Bill introduction was after the murder of George Floyd by the police officers. The incident depicted the entranced systemic racism in the USA. For that reason, the introduction of the bill was meant to restructure the police sector due to the massive outcry and demonstrations throughout the USA. Congress .gov (2020) shows that the bill's purpose was to promote accountability in the police departments. Officers would be held accountable for all their actions while on duty.


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