The university's social responsibility and its role in educating university youth about the dangers of climate change


سوهاج مركز طهطا شارع مجمع مبارك


This study falls within the scope of descriptive Community Organization Studies, where the researcher aimed by defining the social responsibility of the University in raising the awareness of university youth of the risks of climate change by identifying the role of university youth and raising awareness to face these climate changes, determining the role of the University in facing climate change, identifying the most important causes of climate change and to achieve this goal, the researcher applied to a sample of 75 individuals from university youth in the field of raising awareness of the risks of climate change. this study is one of the descriptive studies using the Comprehensive Social Survey method by applying a questionnaire to the faculties of Assiut University, and the results of the study indicated that Facing climate change from the point of view of young people is 2.06 % - 2.53%, the results of the study showed that there are negative effects due to the lack of awareness of young people, the need to educate university youth about the dangers of climate change, the university is interested in teaching curricula related to the environment and climate change " in the fifteenth ranking within this dimension, where it received a weighted weight of 155 and a weighted percentage of 2.06.


Main Subjects