Measuring the social return of small projects for rural women




This study is one of the evaluation studies that aims to use data, information and objective evidence to determine the degree of achievement of programs and projects to achieve their goals, so the current study aims to measure the social return of the rural women's training project in development and population. The study also relied on the scientific method using the sample Social Survey Methodology for the beneficiaries of the rural women in development and population training project in Giza governorate for 2016 as well as the Comprehensive Social Survey Methodology for those responsible for the rural women in development and population training project in Giza governorate, therefore the study aimed at measuring the social return of the rural women in development and population training project. Identify the difficulties facing the achievement of the social return of the rural women's training project in development and population. And identify proposals to activate the social return of the rural women's training project in development and population, and the study has proven the validity of all its assumptions.


Main Subjects