A descriptive study from the perspective of the way of social group work to learn about the Customs and traditions of Ghgar groups in Upper Egypt


The high socity of social work sohag


Ghgar are considered a wandering people who landed in the Balkans during the Middle Ages, and gradually spread to the European continent and beyond, and when these people knocked on the doors of Europe in the form of a pilgrim, they aroused great amazement, theories about their origins were repeated and after a long time it became possible to deduce from their language where their dispersal began, and over the centuries and despite in order to eliminate their uniqueness and distinctiveness, we conclude that the most important achievement for them is just survival, so this study aimed to reach An integrated understanding as far as possible of the nature of the social and cultural life of Ghgar groups that live a life of movement and travel in the outskirts of the cities and villages of Sohag governorate, to reveal the secret of those mysteries that surround these groups, as this study aims at the following: - to find out the reasons for choosing Ghgar groups in Sohag governorate. And to identify the most important cultural manifestations that they are unique from the rest of the Sohag community. And to identify the manifestations of adaptation to the social environment, and the study has answered all its questions.


Main Subjects