A proposed program for professional intervention with youth groups, university and developing behavior Democratic to them


The high socity of social work sohag


    Youths represent the nation's wealth and the most valuable asset they are the forefront of change and the wealth of either to invest properly toward development and construction, or waste through ill-invested leading to loss or corruption, from here, people realized the past and lately importance of this wealth, but remained unable employ and rationalize its investment. Youths constitute a distinct category in any society, they are the are the most active and energetic, and a source of social change, as this category is characterized by the production and tender and creativity in all fields, they are eligible for the advancement of the responsibilities of building the society, Therefore, this study aimed at achieving a main goal, which is to test the effectiveness of using a professional intervention program with university youth groups and developing democratic behavior among them. This goal can be achieved through the following sub - goals: - testing the effectiveness of using a professional intervention program with university youth groups and knowledge of rights and duties in light of social changes in Egyptian society. Testing the effectiveness of using the program professional intervention with university youth groups and supporting national affiliation in light of the social changes of the Egyptian society. Testing the effectiveness of using the program professional intervention with university youth groups and strengthening community participation in light of the social changes of the Egyptian society.

Main Subjects