Requirements for achieving social security and protecting university youth from the dangers of electronic rumors


helwan university


Electronic rumors are considered one of the most dangerous weapons that threaten societies with their values ​​and symbols. Rumors have passed through different stages as a result of technological progress and development and the unfavorable existence of cyberspace, and because they are a source of hidden news, they can turn right into wrong and wrong into right and have many risks that affect the achievement of community security, especially within the university community.
               Therefore, this research aims to identify the requirements for achieving community security and protecting university youth from the dangers of electronic rumors. The results highlighted the importance of achieving periodic development of curricula and teaching and learning strategies, in addition to the importance of providing social, cultural and sports activities and programs for university youth. University to develop his abilities to make appropriate decisions regarding the information that is circulated. The results also indicated that there are some weaknesses of educational institutions in reducing the risks of electronic rumors.


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