Requirements for capacity building of non-governmental advocacy organizations to defend the rights of marginalized groups


Doctor of philosophy in social work Specialization community organization Faculty of social work Helwan university


within the framework of the increasing importance of civil organizations in general as civil society organizations and defense organizations in particular, and after these organizations have become a major force in the scope of work of social work and the defense of rights has become a professional and ethical obligation for the social worker, and the importance of building the capacities of organizations and their employees, the study aimed to determine the requirements building the capabilities of non-governmental defense organizations to defend the rights of marginalized groups, as this study belongs to descriptive studies, and relied on the social survey method in the sample way, and the questionnaire tool was used on a sample of workers in ngos in qena, and the study concluded with results, the most important of which is that the requirements for capacity building non-governmental advocacy organizations to defend the rights of marginalized groups are represented in the capabilities to develop information technology to defend rights, the ability to process and organize information, and the ability to evaluate information.


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