Electronic advocacy and improving the professional performance of civil society organizations


Doctor of philosophy in social work, specialization in community organization Faculty of social work Helwan University


Electronic advocacy is one of the methods and means that can be used in transferring and exchanging information and different visions, mobilizing the masses, winning the support of public opinion, and bringing about social and political changes at the level of societies. The study aims to determine the role of electronic advocacy in improving the professional performance of civil society organizations. Descriptive studies, and relied on the social survey method in the sample way, and the questionnaire tool was used on a sample of civil society workers in the city of Qena. Confronting the power structures in society, and enabling organizations to improve the services they provide to beneficiary groups in society, enabling the organization to prepare an accurate database on customers, working within the framework of electronic defense, and collecting information about the needs and problems of these groups, the ability to use technology for The speed of presence with marginalized groups.


Main Subjects