The social factors leading to bullying among high school students and the role of the general practice of social work to counteract them


Lecturer in the Department of Social Work The High Institute for Social work Kafr Saqr - Sharkia


This study is one of the descriptive studies that aimed to identify the nature of bullying among students in secondary schools, identify the social factors associated with the student format and lead to bullying of high school students, identify the social factors associated with the family format and lead to bullying of high school students, identify the nature of the role of a changing format (social worker ) in dealing with bullying of high school students, and come up with a proposed role for social work in confronting the social factors leading to bullying among high school students, the study has reached the following results: The need to adhere to religious values for all, sensitize the family to the seriousness of this stage, and children must be followed up in cooperation between them and the school and reduce the distance between them, both the teacher and the school administration should play an effective role with students, develop deterrent laws for the perpetrator of bullying, pay attention to the student and his personal abilities and work to help the student to pay attention to the educational process to reach a better future and proper use of the media in commitment to community values and away from bullying and work to intensify programs and activities aimed at reducing bullying.


Main Subjects