Tourism and its role in achieving family recreation An Applied Study on Community of Onaizah


PhD Researcher - Sociology


The study aimed to identify the social, cultural gains for the Saudi family from the foreign tourism.To achieve that; the study depended on the social survey approach, using the questionnaire method. The study has been applied on the Saudi families in Onaizah, the data have been collected via the father. The sample contained 387 families. The data have been processed through using the statistical tests (Percentage ratio - Test of statistical relationship Kala - Gamma and Kramer correlation test - Test of analytical confirmation factor).The study has reached some findings; the most significant of them are; The social gains' volume from the foreign tourism increases upon the Saudi family; especially with regard to communication and harmony among the family's members, it rises moderately with boys with regard to bear responsibility, maintain the family's security and safety, as well as habituating them to contribute in the family's duties during the tourism outside the Kingdom. Also the families benefit rate rises from the foreign tourism of the cultural gains through practicing new activities in spare times, learning the civilizational behavior and respect for time. The study concluded to many recommendations; the most significant of them are: -Creating local recreational activities and programs, at the family and social institutions level, aiming at developing communication and dialogue skills among family members and developing the skill of children especially to take responsibility and family community participation.-The scientific departments in the Saudi universities shall encourage the researchers and the postgrads students in the social specializations


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