Quality of Life "Kinds, dimensions, indicators and explained trends"


Doctoral researcher at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia Master's degree in Applied Sociology from the University of Sharjah Social specialist in the Elderly Care Department at the Ministry of Social Affairs in Kuwait


Quality of life studies are recent studies, and research on this topic is almost scarce.The subject of quality of life is considered one of the most important topics in each of:sociology, psychology, the social work profession, and the management profession.It must be emphasized that the concept of quality of life, quality of life, or quality of living conditions is a relative concept that differs from one person to another.Some see it in health, another in money, and a third in happiness itself.Also, the concept of quality of life varies according to the age stage and the social and cultural environment of individuals and societies.The current research shed light on the concept of quality of life in terms of:definition, origin, kinds or types, dimensions, indicators and trends explaining the quality of life.Also, a brief explanation of the concept of satisfaction and the concept of happiness was presented as concepts closely related to achieving quality of life.The theory of happiness was also discussed as an umbrella for satisfaction, happiness and quality of life.At the end of the research, a set of recommendations were presented that could contribute to increasing our understanding of the concept of quality of life and how to achieve this quality in the various types of life that we live.The current research aimed to achieve the following aims:1.Explanation of the concept of quality of life in terms of:definition, origin, kinds or types and dimensions.2.Monitoring indicators or standards of quality of life.3.Presentation of trends explaining the quality of life.4.Clarifying the relationship of the concepts of satisfaction and happiness with the quality of life.5.Presenting a set of recommendations that can increase our understanding of the concept of quality of life and how to achieve this quality in the various types of life that we live.The current research was from the type of descriptive theoretical library research, and a theoretical framework was presented for the subject of the research, with a presentation of many view points for a large group of researchers interested in studying, analyzing and understanding what the quality of life is.


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