The role of Community Organization method and achieving the financial empowerment for women


helwan university


The economic empowerment for women is one of the key pillars of UN Women, and the expanding of the economic opportunities for women is important as a critical factor for women's empowerment. The efforts done by the UN Women Commission on economic empowerment are being implemented in the context of women's rights and work, social justice, and comprehensive sustainable development that includes social, economic and environmental dimensions that align with the 2030 plan for Sustainable Development. Therefore, this research aims to identify the role of Community Organization method and achieve of the financial empowerment for women through a social survey of officials in the National Council for Women and the Administration of East Ain Shams regarding (67) terms. The study reached its most important results as follows: The low status of women and their failure to access their financial rights in society, which causes a negative impact on the standard of living, the financial status of the children in society and their education, as well as the interest of officials to provide advice to women and their ability to identify alternatives to make decisions in order to obtain their financial rights. By coordinating projects that help women obtain their financial rights and considering women's rights on the part of the state and institutions.


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