The Social return of the national program, confront the umours with us


Assistant Professor of Social Planning at the Higher Institute of Social Service in Port Said


      The national program “Counter with us to confront rumors” seeks to raise the awareness of citizens, especially young people, so that they are not used as a tool to destroy themselves and their country. Hence, measuring the social return of the program is the main focus of this study, as well as identifying the difficulties facing the application of the program and proposals for activating the social return to support the wheel of development, this study aim to determine the social return of the national program: Confront with us the rumours, and determine the difficulties facing achieving the social return of the national program? Confront with us the rumour, and determine the proposals for activating the social return of the national program? Confront with us the rumours, this study belong to descriptive and analyzed using a sample social survey of those enrolled in the program, the most important results of the study: Rumors are among the most dangerous wars facing societies throughout the ages and threaten national security. To increase the social return from the program, the facts should be presented to the widest extent by investing in the press, radio, and television.


Main Subjects