The effectiveness of behavioral therapy in the case work to alleviate behavioral disorders resulting from electronic games in adolescents.


social case work teacher Higher Institute of Social Service in Mansoura


The current study aimed to reveal the relationship between   the effectiveness of using behavioral therapy and alleviating behavioral disorders in adolescents. The study belongs to quasi-experimental studies that used the experimental method using two groups (control and experimental). The “behavioral disorders” scale prepared by the researcher was used, and the study adopted behavioral theory. As a theoretical guide, the researcher designed a vocational intervention program using behavioral therapy that included many professional methods, techniques, and strategies. The study was applied at Ali Mubarak Secondary School Dekernes, Governorate  Dakahlia, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the use of behavioral therapy and alleviating behavioral disorders (aggression - anger - stubbornness - withdrawal) resulting from electronic games in adolescents.


Main Subjects