A future vision for activating the role of university youth welfare departments in developing citizenship values among university youth


Teacher in the Department of Social work Fields At the Higher Institute of Social work in Mansoura


The study aimed to identify the role of university youth welfare departments in developing the values of citizenship among university youth. The study relied on the scientific method through a social survey of a sample of students from colleges and institutes at Zagazig University participating in the activities of the colleges’ youth welfare departments, consisting of (320) students. This study belongs to in the style of descriptive studies, the study also used a measurement form on “the role of university youth welfare departments in developing citizenship values for university youth.” After ensuring the validity and reliability of the tool, the researcher used weighted ratios, weighted weights, relative strength, and average to describe the respondents’ responses to the study’s questions to extract and analyze the results, and to come up with a future vision to activate the role of university youth welfare departments in developing the values of citizenship among university youth. the results of the study resulted in the tangible role of university youth welfare departments in developing the values of citizenship among university youth, through obtaining the dimensions of measurement that were represented in (the values of participation, the values of belonging, the values social peace, respect for regulations and laws) received high scores indicating the importance of the roles of these university administrations in developing citizenship values among university youth.


Main Subjects