Role of Non Government Organizations in advocacy for the right to education for Residents of areas random


Helwan university.fuculty of social organization department


It was to increase the population, the constant exodus from the countryside to the city, and various forms of the prevailing corruption in the country is exacerbating the problem of slums in Egypt and the violation of my right to education of the inhabitants of the slums, and the absence of the state's role in solving the problem of education for the poor or violated their right in this regard the emergence of human rights organizations to do its part to curb human rights violations, including my right to education, which are based defensive role for my right to education through some of the roles, activities, strategies, tactics and defensive mechanisms used by defense organizations. Due to the attention of the researcher and by virtue of professional specialization study it has identified the problem:Description and identify Role of Non-Government Organizations in advocacy for the right to education for Residents of areas random, This study is considered a descriptive study, which attempts to describe the topic or problem of the research and determine its characteristics and determine it qualitatively and quantitatively, through the researcher collecting, analyzing and interpreting data with the aim of arriving at generalizations regarding the topic or problem of the research. The study has proven the validity of all its hypotheses.


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