Use of the advocacy approach in community organizing to activate the objectives of local development committees


Helwan university.fuculty of social organization department


It is the subject of local development of the most common themes in the social and economic writings, but contemporary political, and especially those writings, which aims to develop specific plans to improve the humanitarian community at large or some backward communities and become local development represents a pride of place and interest in the social sciences, and increasingly important for societies developing that have become dependent on the development of their communities as a basis for payment towards the introduction of the methods of progress and modernization, and based on the concerns knowledge of the subject of the study and the results of previous studies that emphasized the suffering of the socially and psychologically rural women is a matter that required the need to improve their quality of life, as the social service profession and way of organizing society, including possession of knowledge, skills and frameworks theory and models of practice and the strategies and tactics and roles of a professional it can contribute to raising the performance of the NGOS level and machmlh committees seek to achieve local development.


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