A suggested program from the perspective of generalist practice in social work to achieve social security for released prisoners


نتائج الترجمة نتيجة الترجمة Department of Social work Fields - Faculty of Social work- Assiut University


The stage that immediately follows release constitutes a critical stage for released prisoners, given the social, economic, psychological, and health problems they face, which constitute a great pressure on their lives. Therefore, all societies have been interested in confronting these problems with all means and means, in order to achieve social security, which is one of the most prominent challenges facing them. Contemporary human societies are facing in recent times, given that it has political, social, economic and cultural dimensions, and it is also a social responsibility that falls on the shoulders of members of society, as achieving social security contributes to the re-integration and proper adaptation of the released prisoner in a way that contributes to providing the services he needs with the aim of providing Decent living, meeting their basic needs, and improving their living, social, psychological and health conditions, The researcher in this study relied on a descriptive study and the social survey method using a comprehensive inventory method, as their number reached (46 items). A questionnaire form was designed to determine the forms of social security for released prisoners, and the questionnaire was applied to Released prisoners at the Prisoners’ Care Association in Assiut Governorate. The study arrived at a proposed program from the perspective of generalist social work practice to achieve social security for released prisoners


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