Planning mechanisms to develop a culture of self-employment among young graduates to face their unemployment


Teacher in the Social Planning Department Faculty of Social Work - Aswan University


The current study aimed to identify the level of self-employment culture among young graduates, and also aimed to identify the obstacles and components of the culture of self-employment among young graduates, and to identify the areas of self-employment in which these graduates can work, and the study was applied to a random sample of (80) single graduates of Aswan University faculties in 2020 and before, and the study used a questionnaire as a data collection tool, The results of the study indicated that the level of self-employment culture among young graduates is average, and that the largest majority of the graduates of the study sample have an idea and cultural background about self-employment and its importance, the level that the elements of developing a culture of self-employment among graduates are high, and that the most component, is the continuous encouragement of graduates wishing to self-employment, and that the level of obstacles to developing the culture of self-employment among graduates is medium is that the graduate does not have the capabilities and resources necessary to work a particular project, and that the fields of work Freelancing that contributes to the development of the culture of self-employment among graduates to face.


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