Effectiveness Of Dialectical Behavioral Counseling In The Case Work To Modify the Irrational Thoughts Of Bully Students In The Middle School.


Doctorate of Philosophy in Social Work, specializing in social case work, Beni Suef University


The problem of bullying is one of the problems that threatens the entity of the school community and hinders the educational process. Bullying students are only a result of what is happening in the larger society around them, whether from family problems that affect the extent of their psychological and internal compatibility, which clearly leads to these aggressive behaviors, and with the repetition of these problems, it becomes Aggressive behavior is a continuous characteristic, and this behavior turns into school bullying in a large way, as it is repeated and intentionally committed by the person bullying the victim, This study aims to verify the effectiveness of the dialectical behavioral therapy program in modifying the irrational thoughts of bullies among middle school students, which affect the students’ behaviors and through which school violence and aggression arise, and then the occurrence of school bullying and the resulting other psychological and social problems, and work to modify these thoughts. Adopting other, more positive ideas among students motivates them to achieve and excel academically, as well as improving relationships between students within the school community. Therefore, the researcher aimed for this study to verify the effectiveness of dialectical behavioral therapy in modifying irrational thoughts among bullying students from the middle school stage. The study sample consists of (200) male and female students were selected from middle school schools and those who met the conditions of the study sample. The measure of irrational thoughts among bullying students, prepared by the researcher, was applied to the sample. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between the average grades of the experimental group. In the pre- and post-measurements of the scale (irrational thoughts among bullying students)


Main Subjects