Digital competences as a mechanism to activate the professional competences of social planning agencies managers


1 Assistant Professor of Social Planning The High Institute for Social work In Mansoura

2 Higher Institute of Social Service Mansoura


The research problem is determined by identifying the digital competences used in social planning agencies and their impact on activating the professional competences of their managers. Therefore, the research attempted to answer the main question: What are digital competences as a mechanism for activating the professional competencies of managers in social planning agencies? The research is considered a descriptive research type, and the researchers used the comprehensive social survey method for (119) managers and department heads in the Social affairs Directorate in Dakahlia Governorate. With regard to the results, the main research question and sub-questions were answered, and the digital and professional competencies and their levels among managers of social planning agencies were determined. It was found that there is a positive, statistically significant correlation between digital competences and professional competences.


Main Subjects