Using artificial intelligence as a modern means of working with groups: a field study


Professor of Social Work at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, King Saud University


This study aimed to identify the method with the same technology in artificial intelligence, attempt to apply this method in the general practice of social service, shed light on the obstacles that prevent its use in working with groups, and develop a proposed vision from the perspective of working with groups using this method within the framework of advanced technology, The study concluded that there is the use of artificial intelligence in the process of professional practice, and there are levels of practice in which it can be used, which are the macro, mezzo levels, exzo, as the results of the use of artificial intelligence in working with groups at the Maja level showed the necessity of relying on modern technology to develop professional practice at the level of small and large units in social service, the necessity of training specialists working in the profession with continuous training and dealing with these advanced practical techniques, and the necessity of including artificial intelligence In theoretical, practical and academic educational programs to train social workers to deal with these modern trends.


Main Subjects