Planning maps and improving the quality of health services


faculty of social work- Asyut university


Development constitutes a human right that must be enjoyed by all people, whether individually or collectively. Every human being has the right to participate and contribute to achieving and enjoying economic, social, cultural and political development in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully implemented. The main task is for the renaissance in the Arab world, it is to raise the efficiency of the human framework as the manager and leader of the development process and the main actor in it. Therefore, it was necessary to pay attention to the quality of health services provided to people, determine the level of quality of health services, determine the role of planning maps in improving the quality of health services, and identify obstacles. Which prevents social planners from benefiting from planning maps and improving the quality of health services, and coming up with proposals that help activate social planners’ benefit from planning maps in improving the quality of health services. This study belongs to the type of evaluation studies, and the study used the social survey approach with a sample of people visiting Al-Ghanaim Hospital. Central Bank of Assiut Governorate, numbering (350) individuals, as well as a sample social survey of experts in the field of social planning, numbering (15) individuals, and using the comprehensive social survey approach for officials, numbering (22) individuals. In collecting data from the field, the researcher relied on a questionnaire for beneficiaries, and a measurement form. For officials and experts in the field of planning and health in Assiut Governorate.


Main Subjects