Social factors affecting women's financial empowerment A study to develop a proposed program from the perspective of generalist social service practice to confront it


1 Assistant Professor of Social Work Higher Institute of Social Work in Sharqia

2 Teacher in the Department of Social work Fields At the Higher Institute of Social work in Kafr Sa


Women's issues around the world represent an important focus, as their issue is viewed with a sense of civility, justice and empowerment. General practice is the direction of professional practice in which the general practitioner in social service focuses on using environmental formats, methods and technical methods to solve the problem without preferring to focus on applying one of the methods of the social service profession. To help women who benefit from the services of social institutions in satisfying their needs and facing their problems, and to clarify the role of the social worker as a general practitioner in trying to confront the problems that hinder women’s financial empowerment.
Based on the social service’s interest in modern trends and the issues that society as a whole and women in particular suffer from, it was necessary to address women’s financial problems and the social factors affecting women’s financial empowerment. Accordingly, the study aims to develop a proposed program from the perspective of general social service practice to confront the social factors that affect women’s financial empowerment. Through the following sub-goals:: Identifying the problems facing women’s financial empowerment, identifying Social factors that affect women’s financial empowerment, defining the roles of the social worker as a general practitioner in overcoming the social factors that affect women’s financial empowerment, identifying the difficulties facing the social worker as a general practitioner overcoming the social factors that affect women’s financial empowerment, identifying proposals that It is useful in overcoming the social factors that affect women’s financial empowerment, and a program was developed from the perspective of general practice to confront the factors affecting women’s financial empowerment.


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