Organizational ingenuity as an entry point for achieving competitive advantage in NGOs


faculty of social work Helwan university


    NGOs face a set of challenges that affect their ability to meet the requirements of clients benefiting from their programs and services, and therefore they need a set of ingredients that help them to overcome these challenges, and organizational ingenuity is one of the vital requirements that these organizations must possess, especially with regard to The necessity of working to achieve the analysis of its internal environment, identify its components, monitor the nature of its problems, work to achieve the maximum possible investment for what it actually possesses of capabilities and capabilities, and work on research and exploration to measure the risks it faces and strive to encourage those with innovative capabilities and talents and benefit from them in providing new services in order to open new horizons For NGOs to be more effective, have efficiency, quality, renewal, and continuous improvement, and gain more societal recognition for the distinguished services and programs they provide. These organizations are characterized by a competitive nature, which makes them have the professional authority to lead professional work and have an audible footprint and voice when they enter into national directed initiatives towards achieving the goals of social welfare programs in the community.

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