Requirements for the development of administrative units at the Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entry point to improve the quality of social care services for beneficiaries


High Institute of Social Work 6 of October


This study is considered one of the descriptive studies, which aims to determine the requirements for the development of administrative units in the Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entry point to improve the quality of social care services, through: Determining the necessary coordination requirements for the administrative units of the Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entry point to improve the quality of social care services, and determining the training and technical requirements for administrative units The Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entry point for improving the quality of social care services, determining the necessary administrative requirements for the administrative units of the Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entry point to improve the quality of social care services, determining the technological requirements necessary for the administrative units of the Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entrance to improving the quality of social care services, and determining the requirements for community dialogue for the administrative units of the Ministry Social solidarity as an entry point for improving the quality of social care services, identifying the obstacles that prevent the development of administrative units in the Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entry point to improve the quality of social care services, and identifying proposals that can contribute to the development of administrative units in the Ministry of Social Solidarity as an entry point to improve The quality of social care services, and the study concluded that the arrangement of the necessary requirements for the administrative units of the Ministry of Social Solidarity to improve the quality of social care services for beneficiaries: community dialogue requirements, administrative requirements, training requirements, coordination requirements, technological requirements.


Main Subjects