Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030 as A guide for Making Social Welfare Policies


Social Planning department - faculty of Social work - helping university


 The study aimed to define the dimensions of the sustainable development strategy: Egypt’s Vision 2030, determine the level of the stages of social welfare policy-making in Egypt, determine the mechanisms for implementing social welfare policies in Egypt, determine the expected return from implementing the sustainable development strategy on social welfare policies in Egypt, and arrive at planning mechanisms A proposal to activate the implementation of the sustainable development strategy: Egypt's 2030 vision as a guide for making social welfare policies. This study is one of the descriptive studies, and the study relied on the scientific method using the case and case study approach. Here is the sustainable development strategy: Egypt’s Vision 2030 in order to describe and analyze the analysis material related to the sustainable development strategy and rely on it as a guide for making social welfare policies, as well as the social survey approach with the intentional sample of experts. In the field of making social welfare policies in the Department of Social Planning, Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University, and their number is (32) members. The results of the study demonstrated the validity of its hypotheses. The study also emphasized the need to strengthen the strategic participatory planning methodology, assess human needs, identify societal priorities, create new social welfare policies, and pay attention to evaluation studies.


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