Design of a test to determine the type of case from a group of personality disorders


Psychologist at the Social Development Office in Kuwait


The human personality is a framework in which physical, psychological, emotional and social characteristics are combined, and all of this is shaped in the form of behaviors in which the individual deals with the outside world, the environment and society, or through social interactions. Inherited, acquired and a set of values, traditions and emotions.
Personality is an integrated unit of qualities that make each individual different from the other, as the human personality passes through developmental stages that qualify the individual to agree with others in consistency and consistency. happiness.
Mellon and others have shown that personality disorders are individuals who experience great difficulties in effective and appropriate interaction with others, and that personality disorders are characterized by the presence of three characteristics:Mellon and others have shown that personality disorders are individuals who experience great difficulties in effective and appropriate interaction with others, and that personality disorders are characterized by the presence of three characteristics:


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