The Mechanisms Of Action Of Civil Society Organizations In The Face Of The Coron Virus


The High Institute for Social Work in Port Said


The Corona pandemic crisis was able to monopolize for itself the first crisis that covered the world without exception in the twenty،first century, and this crisis has resulted in many crises that the world has been unable to confront, and the world has entered a state of cosmic slumber and a state of stagnation and anticipation, and civil society organizations work as voluntary organizations to support and support Government efforts in various areas of social care, as these organizations express the needs and problems of citizens in a way that helps in decision،making and so that popular efforts help government efforts in achieving social care policies in an objective manner and therefore they are an active partner in society, so the study aimed to determine the mechanisms of work for organizations Civil society in responding to confronting the Corona virus, determining the services that can be provided to citizens, and determining the most important obstacles facing civil society organizations during the face of the crisis. The study relied on the questionnaire tool in collecting data.


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