Planning mechanisms to activate informal employment of social welfare services


The Higher Institute of Social Work in Cairo


   The study aimed to identify the planning mechanisms that enable the irregular labor to benefit from social welfare services, and the descriptive analytical approach was adopted, The study was applied to a sample size of (107) of irregular  labors  hesitating to the labor offices and the Department of Social Solidarity, as well as (23) officials, The study is for a group of proposed executive mechanisms to activate the benefit of irregular workers from social welfare services and identified in the planning and coordination mechanisms and the mechanisms of planning by participation, and the most important services that must be provided to regular labor from insurance, health, economic and other services, and the study showed several results, including, and answered the questions And arriving at a set of planning mechanisms and planning indicators that are useful in activating the benefit of irregular labor from those services, and proposed planning indicators to activate that benefit, all social, economic, health, insurance, financing and training services, and the most important social planning mechanisms that enable irregular labor from social welfare services.  


Main Subjects