Suggested model for power perspective to provide street children with social skills to refuse drugs


the higher institute of social work in kafrelsheikh


the study aimed to develop a proposed model for the perspective of forces to provide street children with social skills to refuse drugs , and a sample of (50) social workers were selected who work in residential institutions in cairo , (21) in governmental institutions , (29) in private institutions , and a questionnaire was used as atool for the study , and the study found a proposed model for the perspective of forces to provide street children with social skills to refuse drugs aims to :
1-Requiring social workers to attend training courses using the new techniques.
2- Updating the bulletins of the beginning of the service for social workers.
3- Increasing the incentives offered to the specialists working in the institution.
4- Holding workshops on how to apply force perspective techniques and methods
5- Studying the training needs of social workers in residential institutions
6- Business exchange in the field of work.
7- Recalling the members' experiences in learning the social skills of street children.
8- Increasing cooperation and communication between team members
In order for these measures to be successful, it is necessary to:
1- Allowing the appropriate time to train social workers on the techniques of the power perspective.
2- Providing appropriate training rooms that allow the presence of all social workers in light of health precautions to ensure interaction
3- Announcing the dates for implementing the training programs.
4- Preparing a guide for social workers that includes the techniques of the power perspective.


Main Subjects