Needs assessment of the social worker in the medical treatment team to improve his professional performance Facing the Corona Pandemic (Coved 19) A study applied to isolation hospitals in Cairo Governorate


The Higher Institute of Social Work in Cairo


The current study aimed to dealt with shedding light on the emerging corona virus pandemic and Needs assessment of the social worker in the medical treatment team to improve his professional performance to confront the corona pandemic (Covid 19), as it reached a set of suggestions that are useful in satisfying those needs and develop a proposed implementation plan. The study was applied to the isolation hospitals for corona patients affiliated to the Ministry of Health in Cairo Governorate in Hanoub District). The study population included (29) social workers, and a stratified sample of medical team members amounted to (193) members. The cognitive, skill and ethical needs of the social worker in the medical treatment team came (high) and the service and administrative needs were at the level (medium), and there were also no moral differences between social workers and the rest of the medical treatment team members regarding their assessment of the needs social worker, and the study also reached a set of obstacles and proposals, some of which were related to the hospital administration, another to the medical treatment teams, and another to the social worker, and the development of a proposed executive plan to improve the professional performance of the social worker in the medical treatment team to confront the Corona pandemic


Main Subjects