Client-centered therapy in social case work and the development of psychological toughness for orphaned children


المعهد العالي للخدمة الاجتماعية کفر الشيخ


Childhood is one of the most important stages of life that must receive all aspects of care, believing that children are the makers of the future and the energies of society that can contribute to its growth and progress in various fields and at all levels. In light of what a person receives at that stage of care and attention, and the skills and experiences he acquires, the components and parameters of his personality in the future are determined.
The aim of the research was the assertion of the effectiveness of the client-centered therapy in social case work in developing the Psychological hardness of orphaned children residing in social care institutions , This study belongs to semi -experimental studies, and the researcher used a semi -experimental design represented in the specific design in two groups, one experimental and the other controlling ,This was done on a sample of (20) case of children residing in the Social Care institution for Boys in Tanta, Gharbia Governorate, (10) cases representing the experimental group and (10) other cases representing the control group, and the study relied on the psychological hardness scale for orphaned children residing in social care institutions, Prepared by the researcher, Using the (t) test to study the significance of the differences between the mean scores of cases of one group < /p>


Main Subjects