Contributions of applying e-government programs to achieving the quality of educational services for social work institutes.


The Higher institute of social work _ Mansoura


The term e-government is one of the modern expressions that have come into regular use to express the political, administrative, commercial and educational activities and works using advanced information and communication technology applications, in order to raise performance efficiency and reduce the long series of procedures. Therefore, this study is considered a descriptive study and this study was targeted achieving the following objectives: 1- Determining the importance of applying e-government programs in achieving the quality of educational services for social work institutes. 2-Determining the requirements for applying e-government programs in achieving the quality of educational services for social work institutes.3. Determining the contributions of applying e-government programs to the quality of educational services in social work institutes. 5-Reaching a set of proposals necessary for the application of e-government programs in social work institutes, and the study reached the following results: The importance of applying e-government in the field of quality educational services in social work institutes is evident in the following: enabling it to carry out a continuous improvement process for the development of educational services Ensuring the course of crises in the educational process, and that the most important benefits that accrue to students, which are reflected in the quality of the educational process when applying government programs, are that they enable them to communicate with faculty members on an ongoing basis, and that the most important benefits that accrue to educational programs are reflected in the quality of the educational process When applying e-government programs, which is that they provide sufficient time for teaching the course completely and without decrease, it was also clear from the results of the study that the most important obstacles to the application of e-government in higher institutes of social work is the lack of financial capacity for the e-government project in social work institutes.


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