Requirements for Achieving Digital transformation of the Social Protection Sector in the Light of Egypt’s Vision 2030


phd of Philosophy in Social Work, specializing in Social Planning


             the current study aims to determine the level of availability of digital transformation requirements in the social protection sector , and identifying proposal to address them imagine to and reach obstacles that impede the fulfillment of digital transformation requirements in the social protection sector the study from the study a proposed schematic for the availability of digital transformation requirements in the social protection sector the study results and it proved social ,the liquidity and the study used  a comprehensive  survey approach for official in the social    sector protection sector ,and the results of the study proved the validity of the first hypothesis of the study , which states that “the level of availability of digital transformation requirements in the social protection sector in the Ministry of social solidarity is expected to be medium “ a statistically significant direct effect between the availability of digital transformation and the development of the protection sector the third hypothesis of the was partially confirmed , which states:it is expected that the level of difficulties in meeting the requirements for achieving digital transformation.


Main Subjects