Cyberbullying for students of schools for the deaf and hard of hearing A proposed conception of realistic treatment in the social case work to face its risks


phd of Philosophy in Social Work social casework specialty


The current research seeks to determine the role of the method of social case work from the perspective of realistic treatment to confront the dangers of cyberbullying among middle school students in schools for the deaf and hard of hearing, where the technological revolution has created a wide field for communication and interaction between individuals, but these interactions must be in a rational path so as not to result in problems Threats to society, including bullying in general and cyberbullying in particular. Thus, the study aimed to identify cyberbullying and its various forms, as well as its causes, factors, and theories that explain it. Cyberbullying is one of the negative practices that have emerged recently, through the negative use of students in general and students of deaf and hard-of-hearing schools in particular. Categories that are more deserving of care, so the researcher sought to study the cyberbullying behavior of these students and work to confront it through one of the therapeutic models in the service of the individual who is interested in studying individual problems. Comprehensive Social Survey Approach The study was applied to a sample of (85) male and female students.


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