A proposed program from the perspective of social group work to develop the life skills of divorced women


lecture at social group work Faculty of Social Work, Helwan University


Divorce is one of the manifestations of family disintegration. It is an announcement of the failure of harmony and the collapse of marital life. It is preceded by a stage of disunity and conflict. Its manifestations are the disappearance of common goals between spouses and the emergence of aggressive and indifferent tendencies in marital relations, a divorced woman represents a human resource that needs someone to take care of her and help her to face her psychological, social and health problems, satisfy her various needs, benefit from her experiences, continue her activity and encourage her to practice appropriate productive activities. Life skills are also among the necessary and important requirements for the adaptation of a divorced woman and her coping with the rapid changes that characterize this era, a divorced woman is in dire need of a set of skills that will enable her to live with life and face her problems in a more positive way, as well as enable her to think constructively and rely on herself in making her decisions. The study aimed to come up with a proposed program from the perspective of social group work to develop the life skills of divorced women. This study belongs to descriptive studies


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