The social capital of NGOs in combating child labor


Social Work sohg


The human element is considered the greatest resource for any country that seeks growth, and therefore attention must be paid to its investment. This human development is the basis for integrated development. Children are the source of wealth in society in the long term, as they are the future generation. Caring for them is one of the basic necessities for creating a productive generation capable of giving. And examining the elements of civil society reveals its tricks close to social capital, with the organizational environment it provides, the sources bring them together with trust and respect, as both concepts support the other in civil society. Civil society NGOs that are truly the voice of the masses, have the ability to build a network of social relations through contact with members, contact with people, building trust, and exchanging communication in organizational forms. Therefore, the study aims to define the concept of social capital, the concept of civil associations, and the concept of child labor. The study relied on the social survey approach. The study concluded that: There are many motives and reasons that push children to join the labor market at an early age, and they may join jobs that do not suit their physical capabilities and are not commensurate with the age group. The most important reasons were: economic conditions, failure in education. The absence of oversight, whether by government institutions or civil society organizations, of children's workplaces. The lack of sufficient awareness among the children's families of the seriousness of child labor. The weak role of the media in shedding light on the phenomenon and raising public awareness of its danger to children and society.


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