Strategic planning for NGOs to improve the quality of life for families of the hearing impaired.


Social Work sohg


Strategic planning has received great attention within civil society institutions since the last decade of the twentieth century. This concern had many reasons, the most prominent of which are represented in the social, political and economic environment, which witnessed rapid changes, and is characterized by complexity, speed of movement, increasing competition and changing societal needs, all of which are considerations that impose the importance of strategic planning, and introduce the concept of re-planning. The quality of life is a step towards restoring the humanity of the individual, especially those who go through medical conditions, or physical or mental disabilities that prevent him from practicing his normal life affairs, like others. This concept focuses on recovering human values ​​and goals, such as: personal happiness, calmness, psychological balance, and coping with disability and the surrounding society. The study aimed to define the concept of strategic planning for NGOs and the concept of improving the quality of life for the families of the hearing impaired. The study relied on the social survey approach. The study concluded that the association does not use specialized experts in providing services to the families of the hearing impaired. The weakness of the communication link between the association and government and private institutions to serve the families of the hearing impaired. The association does not provide soft loans to the families of the hearing impaired.


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