Social networks and social isolation among university youth


Doctor of philosophy in social work, specialization in community organization Faculty of social work Helwan University


The importance of studying social isolation is highlighted in its health, psychological, mental and social risks, and social media in general are websites and applications designed to allow people to share content quickly, efficiently and at the time of actual occurrence, as the study aims to determine the impact of social networks on social isolation among university youth, which is It belongs to the style of descriptive studies, as it relied on the social survey method in the sample method, and the questionnaire tool was used on a sample of university youth, and the results of the study concluded that the use of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Messenger are among the priorities of use among university youth for ease of use and appropriate speed for them, as indicated by the results of The study found that the factors leading to excessive use of social networks are escaping from reality, feeling low self-confidence, and that the causes of social isolation are frustration when thinking about his life, weak social relations between him and his colleagues, introversion, and a sense of lack of self-confidence.


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