The reality of retirees and its reflection on social life from the viewpoint of retirees in Riyadh


باحث دكتوراه جامعة القصيم


The study aimed to identify the extent of retirees 'satisfaction with the services provided and its reflection on their social life from the point of view of retirees in Riyadh, a descriptive survey approach was used and to achieve this main goal, a set of sub-goals were achieved, namely: to find out the extent of retirees' satisfaction with the services provided to them, to identify the needs of retirees at the retirement stage, to identify the problems facing retirees, to find out the extent of retirement's reflection on the social life of retirees, and to find out statistically significant differences in retirees ' social life according to (age, educational qualification, employer, length of professional service, residence, marital status), The researcher prepared a questionnaire that covered the axes of the study and applied it to a sample of 342 individuals, and the results of the study are summarized as follows: the overall average of retirees 'satisfaction with the services provided to them is 2.19, i.e. by 43.8%, the overall average of the axis of retirees' needs in retirement is 3.54, i.e. by 70.8%, that 60.2% of retirees face social problems in retirement.


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