A proposed program from the perspective of how to work with groups to develop awareness of cloud computing applications


Community service teacher Higher Institute of Social Service in Qena


The program, in terms of working with groups, is considered one of the important tools used by the social worker in helping students grow, whether physically, socially, mentally or psychologically, as the program allows them to learn or practice social roles that are linked and integrated with each other in order to achieve goals. What the group seeks to achieve, the study aimed to identify the advantages of using computing applications, the images and forms of cloud computing applications, and the obstacles to cloud computing applications. The study showed that the advantages of using cloud computing for social workers in secondary schools are the ease of dealing with remote computing services, increasing outputs and doubling productivity. With a small number of people, and reducing the cost of human training, for example, programming, operation, etc, The results also showed that the obstacles to the use of cloud computing applications by the social worker in secondary schools are my lack of knowledge of cloud operating systems, and complete dependence on service providers for everything related to them, as the cloud is a closed environment programmed, deficiencies regarding security and privacy, protecting intellectual property rights, and finally arriving at a program. A proposal from the perspective of how to work with groups to develop awareness of cloud computing applications among social workers in secondary schools.


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