A proposed Preventive Program from the Perspective of Green Social Work to Raise Awareness of Environmental Activity Students at the University about the Problems arising from Climate Changes


department of fields of social work-, faculty of social work,- assiut university


The research aimed to identify the factors leading to climate changes, identify the problems resulting from it, identify the services provided to educate environmental activity students about the problems arising from it, identify the role of the social worker in educating them and the obstacles they face while making them aware of the problems arising from it, in order to set a proposed preventive program from the perspective of Green social work to raise awareness of them about the problems arising from climate changes. The research is considered one of the analytical descriptive studies in social work. It was based on a comprehensive social survey approach for all social workers working in all youth care departments in all faculties of Assiut University, their number reached (79) Single, and a deliberate sample of environmental activity students in all faculties of Assiut University, their number reached (259) Single, and the research was applied in the field in all youth care departments in all faculties of Assiut University in the time period from (3/5/2023 AD) to (2/8/2023 AD). The results of the research concluded that there are natural and human factors led to climate changes and there are social, economic, food, health and environmental problems resulting from it, in addition to The social worker performs professional roles to awareness environmental activity students about the problems arising from climate changes, leading to a proposed preventive program from the perspective of green social work to educate environmental activity students about problems arising from climate changes.


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