The efficiency of businesswomen's associations in improving the quality of life for poor families as a preventive element against life pressures


Assistant Professor in the Department of Community organization The High Institute for Social work In Alexandria.


The aim of the current study is to achieve a general goal: determining the level and dimensions of the efficiency of businesswomen’s associations in improving the quality of life for poor families. This goal is achieved through a set of sub-objectives: Improving the quality of community, economic, healthy life and improving the cognitive-affective quality of life.
This study belongs to the evaluative studies and the study relied on the comprehensive social survey approach of all members of the Board of Directors working in the Businesswomen’s Association in Alexandria, and a comprehensive survey of poor families benefiting from the services of those associations as a sample frame to identify the extent of the efficiency of businesswomen’s associations in improving the quality of life for poor families - a questionnaire form. In improving the quality of life for poor families - a questionnaire for officials about the efficiency of businesswomen’s associations in achieving an improvement in the quality of life for poor families as a preventive element in life pressures.


Main Subjects