Effectiveness of Task-Centered Model in Case Work in Developing Self Monitoring for Juvenile Delinquent


teacher of social casework department at the Higher Institute of Social Case Work in Mansoura


The problem of juvenile delinquency is considered one of the social problems that threats the safety and stability of any society. The self-censorship as one of the variables that contributes in shaping ethical insight which makes the individual able to distinguish between what is useful and what is harmful and has negative effect. Thus, the study aimed to know the effectiveness extent of professional intervention program according to task-centered model in case work in developing self-censorship for juvenile delinquents. This study is an experimental study which depended on pre-post experiment by using two groups, experimental group and control group, each group consists of (10) items. The results of the study demonstrated that there is positive effect for professional intervention program according task-centered model in case work in developing self-censorship for juvenile delinquents.


Main Subjects